Our Services

Clinical Services

We offer one-on-one therapy, group counseling services, and family consultation for supportive allies, friends, and family members of queer youth ages 10-24.

We accept Medicaid, and we anticipate being able to accept payment via private insurance by the end of 2023. We also offer “pay what you can” plans and pro bono (for free) sessions. We will work with you and your family to find a solution that works. We never turn anyone away for financial reasons! Our full charge out-of-pocket rate is $150 for a 55 minute session. Our graduate clinical interns see private pay clients on a sliding scale of $0-$60, and our licensed clinicians see clients with Medicaid and private pay offering a sliding scale of $0-$150.

We are proud to offer a range of service delivery options, ensuring accessibility for all in need of our services. We offer Telehealth and virtual options, and can meet clients in their homes, schools, and communities.

If you are an LGBTQIA2+ person between the ages of 10-24 and are seeking counseling services, or if you are reaching out on behalf of someone who has requested support, please complete the “Request Counseling Services” form below. If you have questions about our clinical programming, email Raven@joyasresistance.org.

Joyful Spaces

School and Nonprofit Partnerships

We offer consultation and customized professional development support to educators and youth-serving professionals. These services include an inclusivity assessment with recommendations, GSA (Gender-Sexuality Alliance) Club start-up and ongoing support, and scaffolded trainings on inclusive policies and practices to best equitably support LGBTQ2S+ youth

Email Erica@joyasresistance.org to connect about our school and nonprofit partnership options, or complete the form below.

Big Queer,
Little Queer

Mentorship Program

Our mentorship program was requested and inspired by the youth we serve. We use a personalized matching process to pair LGBTQIA2+ young people with adults with similar interests and identities.

Email Doen@joyasresistance.org with questions or learn more below.